The geodesic dome is designed according to the principles of self-sufficiency. The basic elements are triangles, which are formed into pentagons and hexagons.

The structure has no internal support, is lightweight and is extremely strong.


It offers the best use of the usable space in relation to volume and allows better air circulation due to the shape of the greenhouse. Ventilation is through windows at the top of the dome (automatic openers) and through vents on the sides of the greenhouse.

The windows with automatic openers start opening at 17–25 °C. The window is at its most open when the temperature reaches 30–32 °C and opens up to a maximum of 45 cm.


We use a wooden structure (Slovenian larch) covered with UV greenhouse film.
Larch wood is very dense, which is why it is often used in construction.

We do not protect the wood with coatings, but let it change colour naturally.


We produce domes with diameters of 5, 6, 7 and 8 metres. They are available with an 80 cm perimeter (example in the picture above). In a dome with a perimeter, you also get raised garden beds for your greenhouse, which are placed along the inner edge of the dome and in the centre.

Za pravilno delovanje tega spletišča se včasih na vašo napravo naložijo majhne podatkovne datoteke, imenovane piškotki. Sistemski piškotki, ki so nujni za delovanje, so že dovoljeni. Vaša izbira pa je, da dovolite ali zavrnete piškotke analitike in trženja, ki nudijo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo, enostavnejšo uporabo strani in prikaz ponudbe, ki je relevantna za vas.